Course curriculum

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    • Welcome To Puppy Power

    • Your Puppy Bonus Gift

    • BONUS - Weekly Progress Training Chart

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    Setting Up For Success

    • The Art Of Learning

    • Motivation (food, toys, petting, verbal praise)

    • Treat Tournament

    • Master Your Marker Timing

    • Reward Markers

    • Setting Up Your Training Area

    • Introduction To Puppy Toys

    • Know Your Puppy - The Outlet

    • Routine For Rockstars!

    • Prevention Is Better Than Cure...

    • Developmental Stages

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    Module 1

    • Sleeping & Night Time Routine

    • Toilet Training

    • Happy Harnesses - Introduction To Harness & Lead

    • Field Trip - Your Neighborhood

    • Reading Body Language

    • Enrichment, What Is It?

    • Enrichment Project - Cardboard Boxes

    • BONUS - Enrichment Ideas Check List

    • Preventing Jumping Up

    • The Name Game

    • Introduction To Sit

    • Human Play

    • Introduction To The Collar

    • Exposure For Your Pre-Vaccinated Puppy

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    Module 2

    • Puppy Play

    • Handling & Husbandry

    • BONUS - Socialisation Check List

    • Field Trip - The Pet Store

    • Enrichment Project - Cups

    • Puppy Biting & Mouthing

    • Introduction To Recall - Scatter Recalls

    • Get it!

    • Introduction To Down

    • Teaching A Nose Target

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    Module 3

    • Puppy Obstacle Course (Surface Socialisation)

    • Field Trip - The Park

    • Physical Exercise

    • Enrichment Project - Trash Bag Challenge

    • Problem Prevention - Chewing

    • Crate & Pen Training

    • Teaching Tug

    • Recall - Hide and Seek

    • Introduction to Settle

    • Introduction to Watch Me

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    Module 4

    • Outdoor Surface Desensitisation

    • Setting Up For Success On Your Walks

    • Field Trip - The Coffee Shop

    • Teaching Using Nose Targeting

    • Enrichment Project - Muffin Tin

    • Preventing Separation Anxiety

    • Peekaboo

    • Look At That!

    • Fun Food Circuits

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    Module 5

    • Car & Vehicle Exposure

    • Field Trip - Lunch Out

    • Enrichment Project - The Burrito

    • Preventing Resource Guarding - Food Bowl

    • Introduction To Loose Lead Walking

    • Introduction To Leave It

    • Introduction To Stay

    • Appropriate Human Greetings

    • Puppy Push Ups

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    Module 6

    • Sound Desensitisation

    • Field Trip - The Hardware Store

    • Wait vs Stay...

    • Enrichment Project - Frozen

    • Problem Prevention - Counter Surfing

    • Introduction To Wait & Release

    • Collar & Harness Grabs & Lead Clips

    • Sniff & Go!

    • Taking Your Training On The Road

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    Module 7

    • Dog Friendly Park Etiquette

    • Socialisation - Moving Objects

    • Enrichment Project - Find It

    • Problem Prevention - Digging

    • Go Check It Out

    • Introduction To Drop

    • Spin

    • Field Trip - Visit A Dog Friendly Park

    • Ring A Bell To Toilet Outside

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    Module 8

    • Costume Desensitisation

    • Intro To Paw Target

    • Introduction To Water

    • Field Trip - The Beach, River Or Lake

    • Enrichment Project - DIY

    • Preventing Door Dashing

    • Recall - Drop The Lead

    • Intro To Leg Weaves

    • Rollover

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    Where To Go From Here?

    • Now You Have Finished The Course - Where To Go Next?